
Rock the Damn Boat

Taking a break from my dishes to enjoy a little white zin, apples and cheddar, and blogging. I think this makes two days in a row? Pretty sure that's a record.

I wanted to write about a discussion I had on fb with a previous teacher of mine. He happens to be my favourite teacher of all time, and a very good friend. I believe he was my favourite because he wasn't the same as the rest of my high school teachers. He was irreverent, left-leaning {in lectures, in private he does more than lean to the left}, let us watch John Stewart in class, and had us call him "Massa" {mostly jokingly}. Not to mention he and J would get along great if we had more contact.
He recently said that he was denied an English position in his high school. It wasn't due to his lack of qualifications or knowledge. It was because he didn't fit the mold. He was told he would

rock the boat
not be a team player
not play well in the sand box
yes, directly quoted


Am I the only one who sees a problem here? The heads of the English department of his school are naturally members of the predominant church. This isn't an outright discrimination based upon religion, but what else is it? I hate that he is assumed that he has nothing to offer because he doesn't fit their mold. When did lifestyle become a qualification for job positions?

This bothers me for two reasons. A: I hate seeing people I care about be treated poorly and without respect just because they don't fit into the mold the others created. And 2: Teaching is my backup plan if social work doesn't pan out the way I hope. Whereas I am moving back to Utah for a while, I have a right to be concerned being one who "rocks the boat." Will I be denied positions because I have a left wing view on life? Will I be treated differently because I wasn't married in their temple?

Disclaimer: Not all members of this church are judgmental like the ones mentioned above. I have some very good friends who wouldn't deny me a chance because I don't belong. But the few who do act as such give them a very poor name.



You know the saying you never know what you have til it's gone?
So. Fucking. True.

Living and growing up in Utah, I hated it.
cold, mountains, snow, religion, lack of diversity, school systems, small towns

Turns out those are the very things I miss and long for. Upon moving to Tejas, I expected to love the warmth, the flat landscape, the different town. I thought I would be happy never seeing snow again. I thought I wouldn't mind the landscape being flat. I expected there to be more diversity than Utah.

Remind me again why this is attractive?

My three months down here have shown me otherwise. I miss 
bundling up in sweaters
seeing the snow fall softly on the ground
crunching the leaves beneath my feet
seeing my breath in the morning
cooking warm soups
the cool temperatures
seeing clouds roll in over the mountains
being close to everything
the sense of pride in community

Texas has none of those. The past few weeks have been in the 70s and 80s, even dipping into the 90s at times. The landscape is so flat I can't find my way around anywhere. I need those landmarks to tell me which direction to go. Sure, there aren't as many mormons down here, in fact, I have yet to meet one. But everything is about church. And everyone here is so politically red it makes my face red. If you count half Mexican and half white diverse then yeah, there is diversity. But I'll be damned if I can't get any Indian food or sushi down here. 

I know I seem like I complain all the time. But the truth is, I'm sad here. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I never thought I would say this in a million years, but I miss my Utah home.


Fuck It Friday

Ever have those days where you just want to say "fuck it" to everything? Eat granola out of the box, let the dishes sit another day, throw your hair in a bun on the top of your head and wear the same thing you slept it.

me too.

What would make today even better is if I could actually do all those things.

But today is Friday. Gotta get down. Fun fun fun.
{with the dishes}

I've been reading other {read: cooler} blogs than mine a lot lately. These women got their shit together. Like, posting every day, following goals set for themselves, writing things people actually want to read. Some of the blogs I follow {this one in particular} has an awesome scheduled post every Wednesday. I would love to have a set post that allows me to write the same thing every day of the week. 
That would hopefully hold me accountable for posting more often. Kinda like posting pictures everyday, hah!
{on a sad side note, my camera on my phone doesn't work properly}

Suggestions are being taken at this time.